● Magnetic stainless steel bracelets are used for natural relief in many for pain related conditions such as joint, muscle and arthritic pain.
● Our Stainless Steel Stainless steel sabona Magnetic Bracelets have been designed to address some of the most important elements for effective powerful magnetic therapy:
1.Neodymium Magnets: Pack a high magnetic strength in a small space, up to 40% stronger than other magnets.
2.Strength of magnets: Graded at between 13,000 and 15,000 gauss per magnet, manufacturer rated at 2500~3000 gauss.
3.Multiple magnets per bracelet: Most of our stainless have between 15 to 23 magnets, for effective magnetic coverage and therapy.
4.Stainless Steel: 316L surgical grade, lightweight, hypoallergenic. Scatch resistant. Magnets are also capped and protected.